Atta boy, Uggie

He rescued his owner from a fire. (In a movie, but still.) He was part of the cast an Oscar-winning film. (But you won't hear him brag.) He always has a trick or two up his, um, sleeve. And if you happened to be at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville last week, you may have even caught a glimpse of him. He is Uggie, the adorable and talented Jack Russell Terrier who graced the silver screen in the 2012 award-winning film, "The Artist."

Uggie760Uggie's path to stardom hasn't been easy. He was actually slated to go to a pound when he was rescued by Omar von Muller, his adoptive dad. This adoption led to him learning a few tricks, and then, lo and behold, he became part of an Oscar-winning cast and was soon soaking up some international fame.

Uggie came to Mayo Clinic in February to show off some of his showbiz skills and to shine the spotlight on Mayo Clinic's Caring Canines program. The program has 19 volunteer pooches that visit patients and visitors, and help brighten their day. (Who wouldn't love a visit from a puppy, anyway?)

Peter Dorsher, M.D., chair of Mayo's Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation had this to say when announcing the event, "The Caring Canines play a valuable role in supporting Mayo Clinic's commitment to the healing of mind, body and spirit … Uggie's impact on people worldwide is further evidence of the human/animal bond and how it can improve our health and well-being. We're delighted to have him meet our volunteer dogs."

And Uggie himself had this to say (at least according to his Consider Uggie Facebook page): "I am proud to announce that I became an Honorary Caring Canine on my recent visit to Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Fla. Before being greeted by physicians, caregivers and patients, I met with some of the volunteer dogs, who provide such great care to those at the clinic. There was standing room only, and everyone seemed very happy to see me. Let the Uggie love heal the world....xx"

We hope you will pounce on the opportunity to see more Uggie photos and share your comments below. For an extra treat, use the nifty social media icons to share the story with the world.