‘In a Word’: Megan Hall on seeing beyond the surface, learning to accept praise

You see them at bedsides, behind desks. You may spot them walking down a hall or sprinting across a lobby, making every effort to look like they're walking. You see them talking quietly with a patient and family, or sitting down with you at a meeting. They may be friends, teammates or someone you know only by sight. But you're glad they're here. And it's reassuring to know that the health of our patients, our colleagues and the institution itself rests in their capable, friendly, earnest, caring and compassionate hands.
For Megan Hall, who got her start as a nurse at Mayo Clinic in Arizona in 2016, it was an experience she had in nursing school that fueled her passion for working at Mayo. While in nursing school at Arizona State University, Hall completed a summer externship as part of the Mayo Clinic Cohort. She loved it so much she decided to pursue a career at Mayo.
"I knew I wanted to be a member of the team," she says. "My favorite part about working at Mayo is our patients. They are so grateful to be receiving care at Mayo. Hearing their stories — both medical and personal — keep me excited to come to work every day."
Favorite part about working here: My amazing co-workers who always put the needs of the patient first in everything they do.
The single most important thing I did at work yesterday (or expect to do tomorrow): Help a patient to the restroom during his chemotherapy infusion to ensure he was able to bring his oxygen tank and IV pole without getting tangled. Patients recognize how busy we are, but they are so grateful for help doing such a simple task as walking to the restroom.
A book I would recommend, or one I want to read (and why): I am a huge fan of country music, and I like to follow country music stars and their families on social media. Lauren Akins, wife of Thomas Rhett, wrote "Live in Love: Growing Together Through Life's Changes." I bought this book a while back, but it is first on my list to read once I have a minute to relax.
Mayo Clinic has taught me: You do not know what others are going through. Everyone has a story and stuff going on that we can't see on the surface. Patients cope in a variety of different ways, and as a nurse, I want to make sure they understand that I am here for them as much or as little as they need.
Most treasured or best advice from a colleague at Mayo: Throughout my Mayo career, I have had many people cheering for me. Like many others, I am my own worst critic. Learning to accept praise from others and truly see the good is something my supervisor encourages me to do as I continue to grow as a nurse at Mayo.
Most memorable Mayo moment: I was lucky enough to be a nurse extern at Mayo in 2015. I cared for a patient who was a huge soccer fan and was in the hospital during the World Cup. We decided to make a hat with "U.S.A." written on it. The patient and I walked laps around the pod, and the patient was wearing the hat proudly. It made me happy to see such a huge smile on his face as he walked around in his U.S.A. hat.
If I could choose the "on hold" music for Mayo Clinic: Country music makes any day better.
Favorite space on campus this month: The Chemotherapy Unit on the third floor of Building 3 (the Mayo Clinic Building in Phoenix) will always be my favorite spot. Looking out the windows to the north as the rain and snow fell a while back was amazing. As an Arizona native, seeing the mountains with snow caps is something you don't see often, and I got to share the view with all our patients.
People who inspire me: My leaders. They push me to try new things in my current position and encourage me to step out of my comfort zone. If it weren't for the various leaders I have had here at Mayo, I would not be the nurse, leader, co-worker or friend I am today.
The most fun I've had at work this year: I have had the pleasure of working with my department's educators to create a video that will be used as a learning module. We worked together to film simulated situations, and we had a lot of fun watching our bloopers after putting the video together.
Team Dr. Charlie or Team Dr. Will? Or Team Mother Alfred or Team Dr. W.W. Why?: Team Dr. Charlie and Dr. Will. Both set a great foundation for Mayo. To this day, the traditions and philosophy make Mayo a great place to work.
When patients recall their visit to Mayo Clinic, I hope they remember: I always hope that patients don't feel sick when they are being treated at Mayo. I hope they remember the staff members and care they received instead of remembering how sick they were or how they felt.
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