Mayo nurse returns after winning title in Professional Women’s Hockey League’s debut season

Mayo nurse Clair DeGeorge recently returned to work boasting a new piece of hardware — the Walter Cup. The Minnesota Professional Women's Hockey League team, on which Clair plays forward, became the first ever to win the cup.

Long before Clair DeGeorge became a nurse at Mayo Clinic, she was firing pucks on the ice.

"I started out figure skating because we lived in Anchorage, Alaska, and my parents wanted my sisters and me to know how to skate," she says. "As the story goes, I begged my parents to play hockey for two years, starting at 3, until they let me start at age 5."

According to DeGeorge, the rest is history. And even as she pursued a career in nursing, she continued chasing the puck.

She recently returned to work at Mayo Clinic in Rochester after completing her first season with Minnesota in the inaugural year of the Professional Women's Hockey League. And as you may have heard, it was a winning campaign.

Clair DeGeorge.

DeGeorge was drafted 36th overall as a forward for Minnesota.

"Going into the draft, I had no idea where I would end up, and when Minnesota selected me, I felt honored to be in the 'state of hockey' for the inaugural season," she says.

The season culminated in her team becoming the first to win the Walter Cup, the Professional Women's Hockey League equivalent of the NHL's Stanley Cup.

"It was a dream come true, not just the moment itself, but the effort our team put in to get there," DeGeorge says. "We came together in the playoff games to win the cup. Every player had a vital role in getting there, and it was amazing to see all the pieces fall in place."

That's something she sees in her role as a nurse at Mayo Clinic, as well.

DeGeorge is thankful that Mayo Clinic not only supported her pursuit of this dream but also encouraged her to do so. Her nurse managers helped coordinate her time away, and her co-workers at Mary Brigh 8 BG were huge supporters.

There is a special feeling to be able to help someone heal and get healthy again. When a patient expresses extreme gratitude to you for your help, it is one of the best feelings in the world.

Clair DeGeorge

"They did a unit trip to one of my games this season, and I swear everyone who was not working was there," she says. 

DeGeorge hopes to continue playing with her team next season and bring home the Walter Cup again, but until then, she's excited to get back to her co-workers and patients.

"There are two things I am most excited about for returning to work. First is being able to be with my co-workers again. They make the job fun and I get to learn from them every single day," DeGeorge says. "Second is being able to help the patients. There is a special feeling to be able to help someone heal and get healthy again. When a patient expresses extreme gratitude to you for your help, it is one of the best feelings in the world."

Congratulations on the spectacular accomplishment and welcome back.