Tammie Molnar credits help from virtual coaching groups for 50 lb. weight loss, improved wellness

See how participating in virtual coaching sessions has helped Tammie Molnar.
For Tammie Molnar, the path to well-being has been a journey of many small steps.
It began when Molnar, a specialist in Documentation Services, joined several well-being and resiliency virtual coaching groups offered through Mayo Clinic Employee Well-Being.
Virtual coaching groups are an opportunity for staff to interact with colleagues in small groups and focus on strategies to reduce stress and enhance overall well-being. The sessions address topics such as weight management, overall well-being, the challenges supervisors face, stress management and resiliency. Members of the groups share successes and challenges while working toward personal goals.
Groups of five people meet for up to six weeks. Each week, a Mayo Clinic wellness coach leads a 30-minute session.
All movement matters
Molnar recently completed six weeks in the Physical Activity and Well-Being coaching session. Before that, she attended two series of Weight Management coaching groups. She says she has gotten something out of every coaching session she has attended.
"I love the coaching groups," she says. "They have helped me to become more aware of my habits — both the good and bad ones — and taught me ways to build on good ones I have started while trying to change the ones I did not want to keep."
Her favorite part of the coaching sessions was the support she received.
"My coach and the other people in the group were all very supportive and encouraging, no matter what kind of week I had," Molnar says. "I highly recommend this group to anyone. No matter how active or inactive you may be, you will get a lot out of it."
She learned that even slowly increasing her daily movements counted.
"I didn't have to start training for a marathon, but rather just become more aware of how I can incorporate more healthy physical activity habits into my day," she says.
Success is personal
The instructors in the Weight Management coaching group also were knowledgeable and supportive, Molnar says.
"By taking the Weight Management group twice, I got something different out of it each time, and they both helped me in ways I didn't even expect," she says. "As an example, when doing the visualization exercise, I visualized different things each time and came to realize what I really want most is just to live my best life in a body I love and feel good in."
The sessions have paid off for Molnar, who has lost 50 pounds so far. The best part is that she is trying things she might not have before.
"My daughter loves to do 5Ks and had been doing them for a few years before she finally talked me into doing one with her," Molnar says. "I always thought you had to run for these. Found out walking in them is just as fun. I have done several now, including Mayo’s Heritage Classic."
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