Health and Wellness

Dina Piersawl didn’t know she was at risk for heart disease. Having a stroke at age 41 changed that. Now she’s determined to help educate[...]

By In the Loop • July 20, 2017

A lightning strike can unleash a host of problems in your body. Just ask David Claypool, M.D., an emergency medicine physician at Mayo Clinic. Or[...]

By In the Loop • July 13, 2017

You’ve heard of tennis elbow and swimmer’s shoulder. But how about smartphone thumb? It’s something doctors are seeing more of as people spend more of[...]

By In the Loop • June 20, 2017

With all of the demands of modern life, it can be tough to fit in fitness. But with a bit of creative thinking, it’s possible[...]

By In the Loop • June 8, 2017