Patient Stories

The first time retired United States Air Force Brig. Gen. Henry Newcomer met Mayo Clinic hematologist-oncologist Vivek Roy, M.D., he gave the doctor an order.[...]

By In the Loop • July 21, 2016

Ask a 10-year-old boy what he wants for his birthday, and you're likely to get an answer like: games, toys, a new bike, or maybe[...]

By In the Loop • July 19, 2016

The Mississippi River runs through Lee Graham's memories. He and his wife, Shirley, owned a cabin on the river for decades. It's where his kids[...]

By In the Loop • July 14, 2016

Christina Boland is not a paid spokesperson for SkinSafe but she certainly sounds like one. "It's been a godsend for me," Christina says of the[...]

By In the Loop • July 14, 2016

Brian McIntyre doesn’t shy away from talking about the situation he’s in and how he got here. After living “a hard life of liquor and[...]

By In the Loop • July 12, 2016

Hal Higdon wrote the book on running. (Quite a few of them, actually.) His popular training plans, covering distances from a 5K to a full[...]

By In the Loop • July 7, 2016

Jennifer Tamol is part of a trend. A trend Martin Mai, M.D., a nephrologist at Mayo Clinic's Florida campus and chair of Mayo's Division of[...]

By In the Loop • July 7, 2016

Jody Jensen has many wonderful memories of her mother, Mary. One of her favorites is from a surprise 40th anniversary party for Mary and her[...]

By In the Loop • June 28, 2016

  One of the first things doctors told Jackson Lindquist’s parents when he was born with a complex congenital heart defect was that it shouldn’t[...]

By In the Loop • June 23, 2016

Here at In the Loop, we often cover stories making headlines, adding our own spin and some thoughts from those making news. Since Stephanie Bennett,[...]

By In the Loop • June 23, 2016