Patient Stories
In the "Where Are They Now?" category of feature stories, standing on the podium holding a silver medal has to be right up there near[...]
Ana Gregg never imagined she'd have two heart attacks by age 35. Why she now has hope and wants to help others understand their risks.[...]
No one brings on the fun like the folks in the Child Life Program at the Mayo Clinic Children's Center. Superhero window washers, the Twins[...]
Most 13-year-old girls wouldn't see having a scar down the middle of their chest as, well, cool. Lola Montilla, however, is not most 13-year-old girls.[...]
It isn’t easy for a 12-year-old to sit still. It is especially difficult for an active, independent 12-year-old like Lacey McClain, who, until her diagnosis[...]
Pharmacists are no strangers to poor penmanship. What might look like a scribble to most, a pharmacist sees as a complex set of directions from[...]
When scientists cracked our genetic code back in 2003 by mapping the human genome, it opened up a new world of possibilities for patients who[...]
Earlier this month, we told you about 11-year-old Anna Post, from Birmingham, Ala., who was one of two patients on the receiving end of a[...]
Steve Turchan, a Neenah, Wis., psychiatrist, considers himself a lucky man, with a good life, a great family and career, and faith. Any health issues[...]
"I am kind of a big deal. People know me." These lines were immortalized by character Ron Burgundy in the popular film "Anchorman." We're not[...]