Patient Stories

For some, the month of November stirs up memories of turkey, stuffing, cranberries, pumpkin pie … and warmer temperatures than those we're currently enjoying. (We're[...]

By Elizabeth Harty • January 7, 2014

All young William Post wanted for Christmas was a new kidney for his sister, Anna, whose own 11-year-old kidneys weren't up to their task anymore.[...]

By Elizabeth Harty • January 2, 2014

If people had only used duct tape for its original purpose of (sealing canisters and repairing cracked windows and vehicles during World War II), we[...]

By Elizabeth Harty • January 2, 2014

After Chad Crutchfield passed away following a 17-month fight with leukemia, his wife, Andrea, and three young children -- Madison, Nathan and Kahlei -- wanted[...]

By Hoyt Finnamore • December 5, 2013

When your world is limited mainly to your hospital room and the floor it's located on, it can feel like the walls are closing in[...]

By Hoyt Finnamore • November 22, 2013

Nicole Barlanti has been working as a nurse on Three North at Mayo Clinic Hospital in Florida for the past six years. But the young wife[...]

By Hoyt Finnamore • October 16, 2013

  Ava with Nurse Mary, who nicknamed her "Princess Ava of Des Moines." Earlier this month, Brad Weitl and Christina DeShaw of Clive, Iowa, brought[...]

By In the Loop • September 25, 2012