Staff Stories

Earth Day, Saturday, April 22, is one day when most folks pay particularly close attention to protecting the environment. This year, we're finding inspiration in[...]

By In the Loop • April 18, 2017

Age seems to slow most people down. But Andrew Yori isn't like most people. We introduced you to Andrew — a.k.a. the K9 Ninja —[...]

By In the Loop • April 18, 2017

Some people collect coins or stamps. Roger White, M.D., decided to collect something that required a bit more storage space: vintage ambulances. "I had a[...]

By In the Loop • April 13, 2017

Lisa Gifford is a mother. She's also a pediatric nurse. So she knew something wasn't right with her youngest son, Hunter. "He was having trouble[...]

By In the Loop • April 11, 2017

Five years ago, best friends Julie Jackson and Mary Coleman caught the same bug. "We both suddenly got the urge to try quilting," Julie, an[...]

By In the Loop • April 6, 2017

If you need proof of the old adage "to truly understand something you must experience it first-hand," look no further than Maggie Cupit-Link. Diagnosed with[...]

By In the Loop • April 6, 2017

As someone famous famously wrote, the course of true love never did run smooth. The same can be said of history, Chris Boes, M.D., tells[...]

By In the Loop • April 4, 2017

When Alan Marmorstein, Ph.D., arrived on Mayo Clinic's Rochester campus four years ago, he had a specific goal in mind: Find a way to counteract[...]

By In the Loop • April 4, 2017

We here at In the Loop love a story with a happy ending. (We have a hunch you do, too.) And it's hard to find[...]

By In the Loop • March 16, 2017

The patient had already had a busy day. One more appointment that afternoon seemed impossible to manage. It wasn't that he was tired after a[...]

By In the Loop • March 16, 2017