Staff Stories
In May, Amber Kohnhorst fell 100 feet off a cliff while hiking in Arizona. She was convinced, for a time, that she would die alone[...]
Two days before Thanksgiving, Danielle Teal received a phone call. A friend, in a somewhat excited tone, had called to say that he’d just bought[...]
Lou Tasler wanted to give her daughter, Sue Mc Farland, a gift to celebrate a recent successful surgery to remove a benign brain tumor. Doctors[...]
While attending medical school in India, Amit Sood, M.D., saw firsthand the effects poverty, malnutrition and disease had on his patients. He also witnessed the[...]
It's the time of year we tend to think about gifts and candy, and gifts of candy. A Mayo patient had something a little different[...]
After a career as a physician in Minneapolis, Denise Krivach, M.D., was looking forward to spending her retirement years in the solitude of the Montana[...]
When looking for new recruits, how do companies attract the best and brightest? According to a recent article in the Huffington Post, some of today's[...]
Like many people who work in health care, Meredith Kieffer's favorite part of the job is getting "to spend time with patients," she recently told[...]
Monica Fleegel was an infant when her parents realized she was "allergic" to the sun. At least that's what they were told was causing the[...]
It's said that every picture tells a story. One that greeted patients walking into Mayo Clinic Hospital, Methodist Campus, back in 1966 was one many[...]