Mayo Clinic Children’s Center

When Nicole Ver Kuilen was 10 years old, she was diagnosed with cancer and had her leg amputated. Today, she’s embarking on a 1,500 mile[...]

By In the Loop • October 5, 2017

Those who bought lemonade from Emmy Weidmann last summer learned that the 4-year-old had big plans for the money she earned: a "kids' cart" in[...]

By In the Loop • October 3, 2017

Mayo pediatric neurologist Gesina Keating, M.D., knows that a brain tumor is a "daunting diagnosis" for kids. She also knows how resilient those kids are,[...]

By In the Loop • September 14, 2017

Physical therapist Ray Lunasin's day job is to help people recover from injuries or illnesses. But it's how he spends his time outside of work[...]

By In the Loop • September 7, 2017

Sometimes a patient's story is so moving that it's impossible not to be affected. Dr. Jonathan Morris explains why a moment he witnessed at a[...]

By In the Loop • August 29, 2017

Seth Bayles made a trip to Rochester on Monday, but it wasn't for treatment at Mayo Clinic. Instead, he was there to donate pop tabs[...]

By In the Loop • July 11, 2017

Lisa Strike was 26 weeks pregnant when she started having contractions. Her care providers realized the baby would require specialty care and called Mayo's NICU[...]

By In the Loop • June 20, 2017

When 4-year-old Sam Davidson first came to Mayo Clinic for proton beam therapy treatments, he was understandably scared. But before long, Sam was happily peddling[...]

By In the Loop • June 1, 2017

Superman recently took a break from fighting crime — and washing windows — to touch the life of one very special young cancer patient.  If[...]

By In the Loop • May 25, 2017

A Mayo Clinic care team recently performed a simulated surgery on a young patient’s stuffed dog to help ease the patient's fears about his own[...]

By In the Loop • May 11, 2017