Staff Stories

What do you do when you're a young patient stuck in the hospital over the holidays? In one case, at least, it seems you devise elaborate schemes to[...]

By In the Loop • January 12, 2016

Ornithology isn't in their job description, but there's a lucky barred owl in Rochester flying free again because some staff at Mayo Clinic's Superior Drive[...]

By In the Loop • January 7, 2016

Each year, In the Loop, like many of the world’s great news organizations, looks back and shares some favorite stories of the year gone by. It’s[...]

By In the Loop • December 29, 2015

On the surface, it was the kind of interaction that happens every day at Mayo Clinic. A Mayo employee walks into the Generose Building on[...]

By In the Loop • December 22, 2015

As the song says, there's no place like home for the holidays. But for some patients, heading home isn't an option. So staff at Mayo[...]

By In the Loop • December 22, 2015

What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think about the holidays? If you said, "cookies," congratulations! You're just as food obsessed as[...]

By In the Loop • December 17, 2015

Lindy Streightiff loves her job. You can see her excitement "as soon as we pull into the parking lot," says Joan Streightiff, better known around[...]

By In the Loop • December 15, 2015

If you've gotten the gingerbread house bug this holiday season, you may want to avert your eyes. Seeing the wonder that is Chef Jonathan Klinger's[...]

By In the Loop • December 10, 2015

On Oct. 24, John Beshai, M.D., raised his right hand and was sworn in as a member of the United States Air Force Reserve. It[...]

By In the Loop • December 8, 2015

Don't look now, but today is Dec. 1, and the holiday season is upon us. This year, instead of making a last-minute dash to the[...]

By In the Loop • December 1, 2015