Research News

As a researcher in neuroscience, Mayo Clinic's Tania Gendron, Ph.D., doesn't typically see patients, so she was excited for the opportunity to meet with a[...]

By In the Loop • January 29, 2019

Mayo researcher Keith Knutson, Ph.D., is working with colleagues on several vaccines that could not only prevent cancer from recurring, but perhaps keep it from[...]

By In the Loop • November 1, 2018

A new program in Rochester mixes movies and medicine in order to "create community dialogues" around complex biomedical ethics issues. Sometimes a movie can change[...]

By In the Loop • July 19, 2018

Researchers at Mayo Clinic and the University of North Florida are getting a never-before-seen look at the behaviors of cancer cells thanks to new technology[...]

By In the Loop • June 26, 2018

We’ve gotten the message that too much sitting is bad for our health and that standing is good medicine. And now, new Mayo Clinic research[...]

By In the Loop • February 8, 2018

Jack Jablonski's life changed dramatically six years ago after a hockey accident left him paralyzed. Today the USC student is hopeful for what's to come,[...]

By In the Loop • December 21, 2017

When Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico, Dr. Paul Limburg and others at Mayo expected the medical research being done there to take a backseat to[...]

By In the Loop • November 14, 2017

When it comes to medical treatments, what sounds like science fiction today could someday become the standard in life-changing medicine. If the research turns out[...]

By In the Loop • October 19, 2017

Dr. Marina Walther-Antonio arrived at Mayo Clinic with a NASA background, which she's using in her quest to find better prevention and treatment options for[...]

By In the Loop • August 1, 2017

Doctors have been talking up the benefits of exercise for years. The return on investment is so great that some have even written prescriptions to[...]

By In the Loop • May 11, 2017